How to Create a Stand-Out VISION Design Awards Submission

award-winning interior design
Keely’s second place design in Curtains & Draperies.

It takes a lot of elbow grease and know-how to properly execute a design, and the results can be simply stunning. When a designer completes a truly special design project, it deserves to be celebrated. The International VISION Design & Workroom Awards are an opportunity for a designer to share their work with the world.

In June of 2020, Keely Hersh, owner and designers of Right at Home Interiors, was delighted to receive an award for all three of her design submissions – one for first place and two for second place.

Keely’s first place design in Decorative Hardware and Trim.

Keely believes her awards in the Decorative Hardware and Trims category (first place) and both the Curtains & Draperies and Top Treatments categories (both second place) were won thanks to two key factors:

1. Beautiful designs
2. A meticulously crafted awards submission

While only you as a designer can complete a stunning design, Keely offers a few submission tips below for those looking to enter the International VISION Design & Workroom Awards. Take these to heart when you go to create your application to set yourself up for success.

It takes a lot of effort, skill, and know-how to ensure that a design is executed properly. When a truly special design project comes together, the result is magnificent and deserves to be celebrated.

While the client will most certainly love their completed window treatment, custom bedding, or fully redesigned room, there is another way to share the finished product with the world: The International VISION Design & Workroom Awards.

On June 24th, 2020, Right at Home Interiors owner and designer, Keely Hersh, was delighted to receive an award for all three of her design submissions at this year’s awards – one for first place and two for second place.

Her awards in the Decorative Hardware and Trims category (first place) and both the Curtains & Draperies and Top Treatments categories (both second place) were won thanks to two factors:

1. Beautiful designs
2. A meticulously crafted awards submission

A great design must go hand in hand with a great submission in order to receive the best chance of winning a VISION award.

1. Take Professional Photos
“The professional photos were really what gave me the freedom to enter this year. I had thought about entering in different years but whenever I’d think about I’d say, “I don’t have professional photos. I can’t do this without professional photos – it says it right in the rules.

In 2019, however, I started getting professional photos done in order to put better pictures on my website. So, then I had the photos I needed to enter the competition. My photographer even helped me to submit the photos as digital images in the right sizes according to VISION’S specifications.”

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2. Choose the Right Category for Each Design

“They actually say in the instructions to really think about what you’re entering in each category. So, I read the individual descriptions for each category very closely so that I had the best chance of matching my projects to the correct category.”

3. Read the Guidelines Carefully – Then Read Them Again

“The guidelines talk a lot about how to prepare your stories –  they had words like “inspiration,” “client needs” “details,” and “fabrics,” all these words…I highlighted them all, so as I was working on the written portion of the application I could look back to see if I was answering the questions of what they wanted for each room description.

There’s even a section in there that says, “how the judges judge.” That section lays out exactly what the judges will be judging you on so it’s  important to pay attention to that.”

custom draperies placerville

4. Work With a Professional Writer

“I asked my regular content writer to help me put together and polish the pieces. We worked together to make sure we had all the components in each written piece that the judges would be looking for. Having my writer there to work with me on the applications helped me to tell a better story about my designs.”


5. Maintain Good Records

“You’ll I have to be able to list all your source information, and that takes some work. I don’t think I had all the names for everything in each client’s project folder, so I’d have to go to another folder to find the receipts and match them up to the right project. That part takes a little bit of running through your files, but I did it and all designers out there can, too.”

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A Final Piece of Advice

“Give it your best shot. Really, just go for it, and remember that what you put together for your submission will also become marketing materials that you can use on your blog, website, Instagram, and all kinds of other places. I’m still using mine over and over again to this day and will continue to do so.

Whether or not you win if you create a truly beautiful submission it’s still useful, and you should be proud of it.”

Learn More About Keely’s Approach to Design

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